Member Benefits

  • Pharmacist Member

    $125/year - Membership year runs January 1-December 31

    Pharmacist membership is for current and retired licensed pharmacists.

    Pharmacist members enjoy the following benefits:
    - Discounted Educational Programs, including the Fall Seminar
    - Advocacy at the state house on legislative and regulatory issues that impact pharmacists
    - Regular communications from AAHP, including member news, programs, and updates
    - Networking and connection with pharmacy colleagues
    - Opportunity to apply for grants and annual awards
    - Ability to serve on AAHP Board and Councils

  • Pharmacy Technician Member

    $20/year - Membership year runs January 1-December 31

    Pharmacy Technician membership is for practicing Technicians.

    Pharmacy Technician members enjoy the following benefits:
    -Pharmacy Technician scholarship to pursue national certification
    - Free and Discounted Educational Programs, including the Fall Seminar
    - Advocacy at the state house on legislative and regulatory issues that impact pharmacy practice
    - Regular communications from AAHP, including member news, programs, and updates
    - Networking and connection with pharmacy colleagues
    - Ability to serve on AAHP Board and Councils

  • New Practitioner or Resident Member

    $60/year - Membership year runs January 1-December 31

    New Practitioner membership is for current licensed pharmacists who have graduated pharmacy school within the last 5 years. Resident membership is for pharmacists currently completing a pharmacy residency program or fellowship.

    New Practitioner and Resident members enjoy the following benefits:

    - Discounted Educational Programs, including the Fall Seminar
    - Advocacy at the state house on legislative and regulatory issues that impact pharmacists
    - Regular communications from AAHP, including member news, programs, and updates
    - Networking and connection with pharmacy colleagues
    - Opportunity to apply for grants and annual awards
    - Ability to serve on AAHP Board and Councils

  • Pharmacy Student Member

    Included in SSHP membership

    Pharmacy Student membership is for students currently enrolled in an accredited college of pharmacy in Arkansas.

    Pharmacy Student members enjoy the following benefits:
    - Discounted Educational Programs, including the Fall Seminar
    - Advocacy at the state house on legislative and regulatory issues that impact pharmacists
    - Regular communications from AAHP, including member news, programs, and updates
    - Networking and connection with pharmacy colleagues, including mentorship opportunities
    - Opportunity to apply for grants and annual awards
    - Ability to present research